Undeniably desirable?

Written for #napowrimo2022

Exercising, supposedly a piece of cake,

lazy arms bent into a deep stretch,

like a river meandering its course,

as each muscle screams in silent agony,

so shrill that a screeching owl

would be put to shame,

Longing comfort in love handles’ warmth,

as is indeed twisted relation fraught 

with existential angst.

Arms wide, core sings in choral harmony,

As endorphins rush, I smile wider beaming,

yet in a second I wince and moan,

loud enough to defy macabre pain,

More excuses grant me solace,

when I open my eyes, and stay put on my bed,

as I crave that flab,

warmer than fleece on a winter morn.

An appetite for lean lithe bodies,

Michelangelo’s David 

or perhaps Apollo Belvedere,

who’s slain a mythical serpent



a brazen hunger 

for all that’s sweet,

Dabbing yet a pancake in maple syrup,

as I skip leg, hand and core-day,

yet again, day-after-day.

Looking in a mirror

I realize

I represent a demographic,

whose existence “apparently” lies bleak,

As I contemplate this further,

dear reader, do pray tell

what motivates you to exercise?

Art: The Thinker (1906) in the garden of the museum, Le Penseur in the Jardin du Musée Rodin, Paris.

Apollo of the Belvedere, Vatican Museums, Vatican City

This is my second year in NAPOWRIMO. This is my submission to the Day 1 Prompts. © Raju Behara, Questranged, 2022 All Rights Reserved If you enjoyed the post don’t forget to like, comment and follow!

~Raju ❤
